Mint Rosewater Cantelope Skewers

Rosewater is an Ayurvedic essential for both the mind and the body that I simply can’t live without, especially in the summer. We are really warming up here in Phoenix and I have found myself making a fresh batch of rosewater almost every day. The benefits are plentiful. Sweet and astringent are the qualities of roses. They are tridoshic but are specifically beneficial to calm the fire of Pitta dosha as they have the ability to cool the heat in the skin and blood. They can be crushed, juiced, dried, pressed, and more to extract their magical properties to make herbal remedies, aromatics oils, teas, and more. The use of rosewater for the skin is amazing if you are experiencing any redness in the skin, skin irritations or, burns. Rosewater balances the pH of the skin and deeply hydrates the skin. It helps to tighten pores and reduce wrinkles and is generally an anti-aging tonic. Splashing or spritzing some on the face will relieve inflamed eyes,  reduces dark circles, relieves headaches and dizziness.  Rosewater is very balancing for the head and the heart as it balances the sadhaka pitta which is associated with emotions and the heart. This magical water can enhance our mood, relieve nervousness, grief, anger, jealousy, low self-esteem, self-criticism, mood swings, and stress. Please only use organic roses when making your rosewater.

Print the recipe here.

Ingredients (for 6-8 skewers)

  • 1 handful of fresh mint

  • 2 tablespoons dried rose petals

  • 1 sweet cantaloupe halved, seeded

  • 24 ounces purified water


  • Add the mint and roses with the water in a bowl. 

  • Use a melon baller and scoop the flesh of the melon to create the cantaloupe balls. 

  • Add the cantaloupe balls and let steep for a minimum of 2 hours. 

  • Remove the cantaloupe and add to skewers with mint leaves and roses as spacers. 

  • Enjoy the skewers, strain the balance of the water and add 32 more ounces to dilute and drink as cooling summer nectar.

    Print the recipe here.


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