Summer Lorilee Gillmore Summer Lorilee Gillmore

How is Food Affecting Consciousness in our Modern World?

We have all heard the old adage “you are what you eat”. Ayurveda goes a step further to teach that you are what you digest.  But what if your food is laced with chemicals that our bodies innate intelligence cannot recognize? How does this impact our digestion? What happens to our mind, and consciousness?

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Summer Lorilee Gillmore Summer Lorilee Gillmore

The Art Of Calibration

Happy August! How is everyone doing this summer? Here in Arizona, we have gotten rain and seasonal conditions that resemble an actual monsoon season. I am sending love and well wishes to all of those that have been affected by the weather patterns of floods and fires. Friends, this climate stuff cannot be ignored. We desperately need to make big changes now that should have been made decades ago. It has been tragic to watch how nature has been attempting to pivot and adapt to the mess we humans have created.

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